Talkin' SaaS
Talkin' SaaS brings you in-depth interviews with proven regulatory leaders, from state government staff to private sector authorities. Take away practical solutions for your current regulatory challenges.
8 episodes
Childcare Regulation in the US with PhD Fellow Anna Claire Flowers
Anna Claire Flowers, PhD fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, discusses her report that ranks child care regulations in the United States. She shares how regulations affect not only child care providers, but child care cust...

Modernizing CE for Regulators with CE Broker’s Kelly Parker
CE Broker's Sr. Director of External Affairs & Government Relations Kelly Parker shares the modernization trends related to continuing education, such as process optimization and user-centric services. She reveals how a modern CE system hel...

What is NARA? An Interview with NARA's Past President Alfred C. Johnson
The National Association for Regulatory Administration’s Past Board President Alfred C. Johnson explains the purpose of NARA and how the organization’s mission, consumer protection through prevention, drives the organization.

Universal Recognition Expanding in U.S., with Knee Regulatory Research Center's Ed Timmons
Ed Timmons, Founding Director of the Knee Regulatory Research Center, discusses the impacts of universal recognition, a licensing reform he sees “popping up in a number of states” over the last few years. He shares the benefits of universal rec...

How Weakening Licensing Standards Raises Business Risks with Alliance for Responsible Professional Licensing's Veronica Meadows
Alliance for Responsible Professional Licensing’s founding member Veronica Meadows shares the results of a survey of businesses on the impact of professional licensing standards on their businesses. Learn why ARPL concluded that lowering licens...

Driving Successful Change with Ariz. Barbering & Cosmetology Board's ED Frank Migali
Arizona Barbering and Cosmetology Board's Executive Director Frank Migali shares how he drives successful change at his agency, including his vision of providing “world-class customer care.” One change he made to modernize communications saved ...

IT Project Management with Ariz. Medical Board's CTO Pushpa Gregory
The Arizona Medical Board’s Chief Technology Officer Pushpa Gregory shares her process for managing IT projects from meeting with leadership to incorporating budgets and involving stakeholders. She offers four tips for successful IT projects.

Journey to Modernization with Ala. Home Builders Licensure Board’s IT Manager Suanne Parnell
Ala. Home Builders Licensure Board’s IT Manager Suanne Parnell shares her agency’s journey to modernize—from a “forward thinking” board to COVID’s impacts on her agency and a shift from paper. She explains why modernization is worth it.